

How to Practice Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been around for many years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, better health, peak performance in sports and business and a higher sense of well-being.

So, if everyone acknowledges gratitude’s many benefits, why is it so difficult to sustain. So many of us are trained to notice what is broken, undone or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full potential in our lives, it needs to become more than just a “Thanksgiving” or greeting card word. We have to learn a new

Quick Tip to Enjoy the Holiday Season


As we go rushing into the week after Thanksgiving and heading towards the holiday season I thought it would be a good time to remind us all about the benefits of slowing down and reflecting.  I came across a post written by Leo Babauta in which he encourages us to “Breathe”.  My hope for you is that you give yourself the gift of time and take advantage of this simple way to “be in the moment”.


Breathing can transform your

Join me for 10 days to Create the Habit of Practicing Gratitude

gratree“Gratitude is the best attitude”–unknown


Thanksgiving is around the corner in 10 days so what better time to start practicing gratitude or what we are thankful for every day.  How about you give it a try? Because when you are grateful for what you already have, more good things will come.

Take this 10 day challenge with me leading up to Thanksgiving and the start of what can be a stressful season.  Start the next 10 days with the phrase… Today, I am grateful for… #10daythx or #Iamthankfulfor . Feel free to post here each day or on my facebook page


By |November 18th, 2014|Categories: Gratitude, Reducing Stress, Reflection|